Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import num2date, date2num

from ..DropSizeDistribution import DropSizeDistribution
from . import common

[docs]def read_jwd(filename): """ Takes a filename pointing to a Joss-WaldVogel file and returns a drop size distribution object. Usage: dsd = read_jwd(filename) Returns: DropSizeDistrometer object """ reader = JWDReader(filename) return DropSizeDistribution(reader)
[docs]class JWDReader(object): """ JWDReader class takes takes a filename as it's only argument(for now). This should be a Joss-Waldvogel datafile. """ diameter = common.var_to_dict( "diameter", np.array( [ 0.359, 0.455, 0.551, 0.656, 0.771, 0.913, 1.116, 1.331, 1.506, 1.665, 1.912, 2.259, 2.584, 2.869, 3.198, 3.544, 3.916, 4.350, 4.859, 5.373, ] ), "mm", "Particle diameter of bins", ) spread = common.var_to_dict( "spread", np.array( [ 0.092, 0.100, 0.091, 0.119, 0.112, 0.172, 0.233, 0.197, 0.153, 0.166, 0.329, 0.364, 0.286, 0.284, 0.374, 0.319, 0.423, 0.446, 0.572, 0.455, ] ), "mm", "Bin size spread of bins", ) def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.rain_rate = [] self.Nd = [] self.time = [] self._read_file() self._prep_data() self.bin_edges = common.var_to_dict( "bin_edges", np.hstack((0, self.diameter["data"] + np.array(self.spread["data"]) / 2)) * 0.2, "mm", "Boundaries of bin sizes", )
[docs] def getSec(self, s, start_hh, start_mm): l = s.split(":") if int(l[0]) < start_hh: return int(l[0]) * 3600 + int(l[1]) * 60 + int(l[2]) + 86400 elif int(l[0]) == start_hh and int(l[1]) < start_mm: return int(l[0]) * 3600 + int(l[1]) * 60 + int(l[2]) + 86400 else: return int(l[0]) * 3600 + int(l[1]) * 60 + int(l[2])
[docs] def conv_md_to_nd(self, Nd): F = 0.005 t = 30.0 v = 9.65 - 10.3 * np.exp(-0.6 * self.diameter) return np.divide(Nd, (F * t * np.multiply(v, self.spread)))
def _read_file(self): with open(self.filename) as f: next(f) for i, line in enumerate(f): if i == 1: start_time = line.split()[1] t = start_time.split(":") start_hh = int(t[0]) start_mm = int(t[1]) self.time.append( float(self.getSec(line.split()[1], start_hh, start_mm)) ) md = line.split()[3:23] md_float = np.array(list(map(float, md))) self.Nd.append(self.conv_md_to_nd(md_float)) self.rain_rate.append(float(line.split()[24])) elif i > 1: start_time = line.split()[1] t = start_time.split(":") start_hh = int(t[0]) start_mm = int(t[1]) self.time.append( float(self.getSec(line.split()[1], start_hh, start_mm)) ) md = line.split()[3:23] md_float = np.array(list(map(float, md))) self.Nd.append(self.conv_md_to_nd(md_float)) self.rain_rate.append(float(line.split()[24])) def _get_epoch_time(self): """ Convert the time to an Epoch time using package standard. """ # Convert the time array into a datetime instance dt_units = "seconds since " + StartDate + "00:00:00+0:00" dt_minutes = num2date(self.time, dt_units) # Convert this datetime instance into a number of seconds since Epoch timesec = date2num(dt_minutes, common.EPOCH_UNITS) # Once again convert this data into a datetime instance time_unaware = num2date(timesec, common.EPOCH_UNITS) eptime = { "data": time_unaware, "units": common.EPOCH_UNITS, "title": "Time", "full_name": "Time (UTC)", } return eptime def _prep_data(self): fields = {} self.time = self.time = self.time - self.time[0] self.fields["Nd"] = common.var_to_dict( "Nd",, "m^-3 mm^-1", "Liquid water particle concentration", ) self.fields["rain_rate"] = common.var_to_dict( "Rain rate",, "mm/h", "Rain rate" ) try: self.time = self._get_epoch_time() except: raise ValueError("Conversion to Epoch did not work!") self.time = { "data": np.array(self.time), "units": None, "title": "Time", "full_name": "Native file time", }