Source code for pydsd.plot.plot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Plotting routines for different aspects of the drop size distribution class.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from pylab import cm
from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter
from matplotlib.dates import SecondLocator, MinuteLocator, HourLocator, DayLocator
from datetime import timezone
import datetime

[docs]def plot_dsd( dsd, xlims=None, ylims=None, log_scale=True, tighten=True, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, ax=None, fig=None, ): """Plotting function for drop size distribution Nd plot_dsd creates a pcolormesh based plot for a drop size distribution object's `Nd` field. Parameters ---------- dsd: DropSizeDistribution Drop Size Distribution instance containing a `Nd`. xlims: 2-tuple Range of x axis (x_begin, x_end). ylims: 2-tuple Range of y axis (y_begin, y_end). log_scale: boolean Whether to plot on a log scale, or a linear scale. tighten: True Whether to restrict plot to areas with data. Returns ------- fig: Figure instance """ ax = parse_ax(ax) fig = parse_fig(fig) if cmap is None: colors = [("white")] + [(cm.jet(i)) for i in range(1, 256)] cmap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("new_map", colors, N=256) if vmin is None: vmin = np.nanmin(dsd.fields["Nd"]["data"]) if vmax is None: vmax = np.nanmax(dsd.fields["Nd"]["data"]) if log_scale: if vmin == 0.: vmin = 0.1 norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) else: norm = None import pdb pdb.set_trace() plt.pcolormesh( dsd.time["data"].filled(), dsd.diameter["data"], dsd.fields["Nd"]["data"].T, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, figure=fig, norm=norm, cmap=cmap, ) plt.axis("tight") if xlims is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlims) else: ax.set_xlim(dsd.time["data"][0], dsd.time["data"][-1]) if ylims is not None: ax.set_ylim(ylims) else: ax.set_ylim(0., dsd.diameter["data"][-1]) if tighten: max_diameter = dsd.diameter["data"][ len(dsd.diameter["data"]) - np.argmax(np.nansum(dsd.fields["Nd"]["data"], axis=0)[::-1] > 0) ] plt.ylim(0, max_diameter) plt.colorbar() plt.xlabel("Time(m)") plt.ylabel("Diameter(mm)") return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_NwD0( dsd, col="k", msize=20, edgecolors="none", title=None, ax=None, fig=None, **kwargs ): """ Create Normalized Intercept Parameter- median volume diameter scatterplot. Convenience function calls scatter plot. Parameters ---------- dsd : dict PyDSD dictionary. col : str msize : int title : str ax : Matplotlib Axis instance fig : Matplotlib Figure instance **kwargs : Dictionary to pass to matplotlib """ ax = parse_ax(ax) fig = parse_ax(fig) xlab = r"D$_0$ (mm)" ylab = r"log$_{10}$[N$_w$] (mm$^{-1}$ m$^{-3}$)" fig, ax = scatter( np.log10(dsd.fields["Nw"]["data"]), dsd.fields["D0"]["data"], col=col, msize=msize, edgecolors=edgecolors, title=title, ax=ax, fig=fig, **kwargs ) ax.set_xlabel(xlab) ax.set_ylabel(ylab) return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_ZR( dsd, log_scale=False, col="k", msize=20, edgecolors="none", title=None, ax=None, fig=None, **kwargs ): """ Create reflectivity - rainfall rate scatterplot. Convenience function calls scatter plot. Parameters ---------- dsd : dict PyDSD dictionary. log_scale : str True for log, Fale for 'linear' variables. col : str msize : int title : str ax : Matplotlib Axis instance fig : Matplotlib Figure instance **kwargs : Dictionary to pass to matplotlib """ ax = parse_ax(ax) fig = parse_ax(fig) if log_scale: z = dsd.fields["Zh"]["data"] rr = np.log10(dsd.fields["rain_rate"]["data"]) xlab = r"Reflectivity (dBZ)" ylab = r"log$_{10}$(Rainfall Rate (mm h$^{-1}$))" else: z = 10. ** (dsd.fields["Zh"]["data"] / 10.) rr = dsd.fields["rain_rate"]["data"] xlab = r"Reflectivity (mm$^{6}$ m$^{-3}$)" ylab = r"Rainfall Rate (mm h$^{-1}$)" fig, ax = scatter( z, rr, col=col, msize=msize, edgecolors=edgecolors, title=title, ax=ax, fig=fig, **kwargs ) ax.set_xlabel(xlab) ax.set_ylabel(ylab) return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_ZR_hist2d( dsd, log_scale=False, bins=(80, 60), ranges=None, norm=None, xlims=None, ylims=None, title=None, colorbar=True, clabel="Normalized Counts", ax=None, fig=None, **kwargs ): """ Create reflectivity - rainfall rate scatterplot. Convenience function calls scatter plot. Parameters ---------- dsd : dict PyDSD dictionary. log_scale : str True for log, Fale for 'linear' variables. bins : tuple, (x,y) bin size norm : bool Normalize output xlims : 2-tuple (Xmin, Xmax) ylims : 2-tuple (Ymin, Ymax) title : str colorbar : bool clabel: colorbar label ax : Matplotlib Axis instance fig : Matplotlib Figure instance kwargs : Keyword arguments to pass to pcolormesh """ ax = parse_ax(ax) fig = parse_ax(fig) if log_scale: z = dsd.fields["Zh"]["data"] rr = np.log10(dsd.fields["rain_rate"]["data"]) xlab = r"Reflectivity (dBZ)" ylab = r"log$_{10}$(Rainfall Rate (mm h$^{-1}$))" else: z = np.power(10, (dsd.fields["Zh"]["data"] / 10.0)) rr = dsd.fields["rain_rate"]["data"] xlab = r"Reflectivity (mm$^{6}$ m$^{-3}$)" ylab = r"Rainfall Rate (mm h$^{-1}$)" fig, ax = plot_hist2d( z, rr, bins=bins, ranges=ranges, norm=norm, xlims=xlims, ylims=ylims, title=title, colorbar=colorbar, clabel=clabel, ax=ax, fig=fig, **kwargs ) ax.set_xlabel(xlab) ax.set_ylabel(ylab) return fig, ax
[docs]def scatter( xvar, yvar, col="k", msize=20, edgecolors="none", title=None, ax=None, fig=None, **kwargs ): """ Create a scatterplot two variables. Parameters ---------- xvar : array yvar : array col : str msize : int title : str ax : Matplotlib Axis instance fig : Matplotlib Figure instance **kwargs : Dictionary to pass to matplotlib """ ax = parse_ax(ax) fig = parse_ax(fig) ax.scatter(xvar, yvar, c=col, s=msize, edgecolors=edgecolors, **kwargs) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_hist2d( xvar, yvar, bins=(80, 60), ranges=None, norm=None, xlims=None, ylims=None, title=None, colorbar=True, clabel="Normalized Counts", ax=None, fig=None, **kwargs ): """ 2-D histogram plot. Parameters ---------- xvar : array yvar : array bins : tuple, (x,y) bin size norm : bool Normalize output xlims : 2-tuple (Xmin, Xmax) ylims : 2-tuple (Ymin, Ymax) title : str colorbar : bool clabel: colorbar label ax : Matplotlib Axis instance fig : Matplotlib Figure instance kwargs : Keyword arguments to pass to pcolormesh """ ax = parse_ax(ax) fig = parse_ax(fig) if xlims is None: xlims = (np.nanmin(xvar), np.nanmax(xvar)) if ylims is None: ylims = (np.nanmin(yvar), np.nanmax(yvar)) hist2d, xedges, yedges = get_masked_hist2d( xvar, yvar, bins=bins, ranges=(ylims, xlims), norm=norm ) # Replace any zero values with missing data for nice plots hist2d =, 0) # Flip and rotate the 2D Histogram hist2d = np.rot90(hist2d) hist2d = np.flipud(hist2d) # Create 2D arrays from xedges, yedges x2d, y2d = np.meshgrid(xedges, yedges) # Plot the data using colormesh pc = ax.pcolormesh(x2d, y2d, hist2d, **kwargs) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if colorbar: cb = plt.colorbar(pc, shrink=0.85) cb.set_label(clabel) return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_ts( dsd, varname, date_format="%H:%M", tz=timezone.utc, x_min_tick_format="hour", title=None, ax=None, fig=None, **kwargs ): """ Time series plot of variable. Parameters ---------- dsd : dict PyDSD dictionary. varname : str or list Variable name(s) to plot. date_format : str Timestring format characters. tz : str Time zone to uses, see datetime module. x_min_tick_format : str Minor tick formatting, 'second','minute','hour','day' supported title : str ax : Matplotlib Axis instance fig : Matplotlib Figure instance kwkargs : Keyword arguments to pass to pcolormesh """ ax = parse_ax(ax) fig = parse_ax(fig) x_fmt = DateFormatter(date_format, tz=tz) sample_time = [datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(i) for i in dsd.time['data'].filled()] ax.plot_date(sample_time, dsd.fields[varname]["data"], **kwargs) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(x_fmt) if x_min_tick_format == "second": ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(SecondLocator()) elif x_min_tick_format == "minute": ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MinuteLocator()) elif x_min_tick_format == "hour": ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(HourLocator()) elif x_min_tick_format == "day": ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(DayLocator()) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) else: plt.title(dsd.fields[varname]['long_name']) plt.ylabel(dsd.fields[varname]['units']) plt.xlabel('Time') return fig, ax
# def plotHov(dsd, xvar, datavar, log_scale=False, # date_format='%H:%M', tz=None, # clevs=7, vmin=None, vmax=None, # title=None, y_maj_tick_format='minute', # colorbar=True, cbor='vertical', clabel=' ', # cmap='jet', ax=None, fig=None): # """ # Hovmoeller plot with time on Y-axis. # # Parameters # ---------- # dsd : dict # PyDSD dictionary. # xvar : str # Variable name for x-axis. # datavar : str # Variable name(s) to plot. # log_scale : str # True for log, Fale for 'linear' variables. # date_format : str # Timestring format characters. # tz : str # Time zone to uses, see datetime module. # clevs : int # Number of contour levels. # vmin : float # Minimum contour value to display. # vmax : float # Maximum contour value to display. # title : str # y_maj_tick_format : str # Major tick formatting, 'second','minute','hour','day' supported. # colorbar : bool # True to include colorbar. # cbor : str # Colorbar orientation 'vertical' or 'horizontal'. # cblab : str # Colorbar label. # cmap : Colormap name or instance # ax : Matplotlib Axis instance # fig : Matplotlib Figure instance # kwkargs : Keyword arguments to pass to pcolormesh # """ # ax = parse_ax(ax) # fig = parse_ax(fig) # # y_fmt = DateFormatter(date_format, tz=tz) # # if vmin is None: # vmin = np.nanmin(dsd.fields[datavar]['data']) # if vmax is None: # vmax = np.nanmax(dsd.fields[datavar]['data']) # clevels = np.logspace(vmin, vmax, clevs) # # if log_scale: # data = np.log10(dsd.fields[datavar]['data']) # norm = LogNorm() # else: # data = dsd.fields[datavar]['data'] # norm = None # cs = ax.contourf(dsd.fields[xvar]['data'], dsd.time['data'], data, # clevels, norm=norm, cmap=cmap) # # plt.xscale('log') # Make X-axis logarithmic # # ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_fmt) # if y_maj_tick_format == 'second': # from mpl.dates import SecondLocator # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(SecondLocator()) # elif y_maj_tick_format == 'minute': # from mpl.dates import MinuteLocator # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MinuteLocator()) # elif y_maj_tick_format == 'hour': # from mpl.dates import HourLocator, MinuteLocator # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(HourLocator()) # ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MinuteLocator(interval=10)) # elif y_maj_tick_format == 'day': # from mpl.dates import DayLocator # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(DayLocator()) # # if title is not None: # ax.set_title(title) # # if colorbar: # if log_scale: # l_f = mtic.LogFormatter(10, labelOnlyBase=False) # if cbor == 'vertical': # frac = 0.05 # shrink = 0.6 # cb = plt.colorbar(cs, orientation=cbor, fraction=frac, pad=.05) # cb.set_label(clabel) # return fig, ax # def plot_hexbin(xvar, yvar, grid=(80, 60), min_count=0.01, title=None, # reduce_function=np.sum, add_colorbar=True, # clabel='Normalized Counts', ax=None, fig=None): # """ # Density scatterplot using the hex bin method. # # The color marker is based upon density of value population. # # Parameters # ---------- # xvar : array # yvar : array # grid : tuple, (x,y) bin size # min_count : float, display minimum # title : str # reduce_function : func # add_colorbar : bool # clabel: colorbar label # ax : Matplotlib Axis instance # fig : Matplotlib Figure instance # """ # if ax is None: # ax = parse_ax(ax) # if fig is None: # fig = parse_ax(fig) # # # This will plot a hex bin plot (density scatter plot) # # Establish an array from 0-100 to show colors as density # c = np.ones_like(xvar) * 100 / len(Z) # # # Create the hex plot # ax.hexbin(xvar, yvar, C=c, gridsize=grid, mincnt=min_count, # reduce_C_function=reduce_function) # # if title is not None: # ax.set_title(title) # # # Add colorbar # if add_colorbar: # cb = fig.colorbar(shrink=0.85) # cb.set_label(clabel) # return fig, ax
[docs]def get_masked_hist2d(xvar, yvar, bins=(25, 25), ranges=None, norm=False): """ Calculate a 2D histogram. Remove missing values and calculate a numpy histogram. Parameters ---------- xvar : array yvar : array bins : 2-tuple ranges : array [Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax] norm : bool Whether to normalize the output """ # Apply existing masks if possible qx = xvar.copy() qy = yvar.copy() qx =, qx).compressed() qy =, qy).compressed() if ranges is None: ranges = ([qx.min(), qx.max()], [qy.min(), qy.max()]) hist2d, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d( qx, qy, bins=bins, range=ranges, normed=norm ) return hist2d, xedges, yedges
[docs]def set_ax_limits(xlim=None, ylim=None, ax=None): """Convenience function to set x, y limits.""" ax = parse_ax(ax) if ylim is not None: ax.set_ylim(ylim) if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim)
[docs]def set_minor_ticks(x=None, y=None, ax=None): """Convenience function to adjust minor tick spacing.""" ax = parse_ax(ax) try: ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mtic.MultipleLocator(x)) except: pass try: ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mtic.MultipleLocator(y)) except: pass
[docs]def set_major_ticks(x=None, y=None, ax=None): """Convenience function to adjust major tick spacing.""" ax = parse_ax(ax) try: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mtic.MultipleLocator(x)) except: pass try: ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(mtic.MultipleLocator(y)) except: pass
[docs]def set_xlabel(label, pad=None, fontsize=None, ax=None): """Convenience function to adjust x-axis label.""" ax = parse_ax(ax) ax.set_xlabel(label, labelpad=pad, fontsize=fonstize)
[docs]def set_ylabel(label, pad=None, fontsize=None, ax=None): """Convenience function to adjust x-axis label.""" ax = parse_ax(ax) ax.set_ylabel(label, labelpad=pad, fontsize=fonstize)
[docs]def turn_ticks_out(ax=None): """Convenience function to turn ticks outward.""" ax = parse_ax(ax) ax.tick_params(which="both", direction="out")
[docs]def parse_ax(ax): """ Parse and return ax instance. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() return ax
[docs]def parse_fig(fig): """ Parse and return fig instance. """ if fig is None: fig = plt.gcf() return fig