Functions used in clutter map creation and RCA calculation that handle simple tasks such as: Reading file in and converting to radar object Grabbing arrays of radar variables from radar object Create masks based on desired radar azimuths Create CSV file to store RCA values for a particular instrument
(azimuth_value, azimuth_array, radar_band)[source]¶ create_az_mask_ppi creates a mask for a desired azimuth angle for an array of azimuth from a radar PPI file
- Parameters
azimuth_value (float) – value of the radar azimuth of interest i.e. 0., 27., 60., 120., etc.
azimuth_array (array_like) – array of azimuth values to search through and find the appropriate azimuth
radar_band (str) – one or two letter code noting radar band (used for thresholding depending on beam width)
- Returns
az_mask – array of same shape as azimuth_array, masked to highlight the desried azimuth value
- Return type
(azimuth_value, azimuth_array, radar_band)[source]¶ create_az_mask_rhi creates a mask for a desired azimuth angle for an array of azimuth from a radar RHI file
- Parameters
azimuth_value (float) – value of the radar azimuth of interest i.e. 30., 60., 120., etc.
azimuth_array (array_like) – array of azimuth values to search through and find the appropriate azimuth
radar_band (str) – one or two letter code noting radar band (used for thresholding depending on beam width)
- Returns
az_mask – array of same shape as azimuth_array, masked to highlight the desried azimuth value
- Return type
(radar_config_file)[source]¶ create_rca_csv creates a CSV file specifically for keeping track of daily RCA values generated by daily_rca.py
- Parameters
radar_config_file (str) – path to JSON file containing specifications: data directory, file extension, clutter map directory, output directory for baseline netCDF, baseline date, scan type, polarization, site, instrument, range limit
(radar, radar_config_file)[source]¶ Input radar object and radar configuration (.json) file to use PyART to extract variables to be used in calculations Returns variables in arrays or strings in a single dictionary
- Parameters
radar (radar object) – radar object (often from PyART) contains all radar data and info
radar_config_file (str) – path to and .json configuration file specific to the radar and scan type used
- Returns
var_dict – dictionary or relevant variables needed for the rest of clutter map and RCA calculation var_dict = { “date_time”: date_time, “range”: r, “azimuth”: theta, “elevation”: elev, “reflectivity_h”: zh, “reflectivity_v”: zv }
- Return type